Tuesday, September 22, 2009


September 21

Have you ever fought with a loved one and realized half way through the fight that you're no longer even talking about the topic but about the way you are talking about the topic?

I think fighting it out once in a while is healthy. Air it out, I say, but do it in love realizing that the outcome you want is not to be further apart, but closer together even if you don't see eye to eye. (And how can you if he's 6'2" and you're 5'4"?)

There's nothing more in the moment than a heated argument. Too bad you mostly fight about the past, things that cannot be changed, or the future, things that you have no control over. All you have control over is yourself and how you react to the fight.

I walked it off (ran it off is more like it) and visited a friend. By the time I got home the fight in us was gone and clarity of thinking reigned. It was all just a miscommunication.